The only check to allow console to open are the 3 concurrent conditions: to press ConsoleKey, not to be in 'Typing' state (which we're clearly not) and bAllowConsole BOOL to be 0.Ĥ. Checking Console UObject shows the following:įunction bool KeyEvent( EInputKey Key, EInputAction Action, FLOAT Delta )Įlse if( Key=ConsoleKey & !IsInState( 'Typing' ) & bAllowConsole ) Native static final function bool IsCensoredContentNative() ģ. Return Export UObject::execIsCensoredContentNative( FFrame&, void* const ) This latter one does absolutely nothing but return: Going at it a bit in-depth reveals that IsCensoredContent() function (found in Core.U file, under Object/Functions tree) calls in a native function: IsCensoredContentNative().
Looking at the above code, game checks via IsCensoredContent() whether or not the target 'God' UFunction should execute. There are several protected functions (they look like that at first I'll explain why), like for example God:ĪssertWithDescription( false, 'BUG THIS: Attempted to execute function 'God', but that command is disabled in the CENSORED version.' ) The cheats of interest are in Engine.U file, in CheatManager UObject.Ģ. Having studied the UObjects via Unreal Explorer, I found the following:ġ. EDIT: Updated table can be found in second post below Wink